AverageTreyI believe I would be a good executive councilor because I want everybody to have fun and enjoy their time spent in PGAM. I feel like PGAM is more of a family than a community and with a little bit more communication and teamwork we can achieve the goal of to play peacefully without a single worry. I also believe that PGAM can grow beyond GTA and RDR, other popular games that open world based. I believe that if we keep improving on the things we preach we can reach perfect status. Lets make this bread. Archie7373I'll be honest... I never play games online... like ever.. but my son begged me to play GTA online so that he would be "Allowed to" and now I'm hooked on GTAO. You will likely all know me as a Lobby host (and that will continue) but to give you some idea of my commitment to PGAM I have: 1. Bought an Xbox which is now JUST FOR PGAM 2. Had to create a new character in GTAO that looks like my wife, because "I never play with her anymore" - (Her words.) 3. Literally got out of bed early on a Sunday to reset a lobby. Even the sound of a pet retching struggles to get me out of bed on a Sunday. While I'm not on all that often compared to the US and UK players I try to get involved where I can and always happy to help out. I'm usually lurking on the chat channels even when at work. (Guess where I filled this application out from....) Thanks for your time, and regardless of the outcome I'll see you online soon I am sure! AyGreg EggI've been involved with PGAM for around 18 months. I’ve been with the crew for awhile and I have a good idea of what needs to happen to make it work without anything unnecessary. I feel like my 1 year as a defender has at least given me some experience in regards to what needs to be done in this position. I have also been a Justice Rep here in PGAM since it was created and have helped with a few of the cases that justice reps have had to deal with so far, giving me a good judge of character to help make the right decision when it needs to be done. ALLWILD EAGLEHowdy PGAM members, let me give a brief introduction about myself, I’m a part time Family Physician/ Student, I tend discord in-between patients and whenever I have free time to do so. I speculate that being an Executive Councilor doesn’t hold any power, but holds countless amounts of responsibility, Councilors are responsible for recruiting new additions to our PGAM family, Updating and proposing rules to keep our Community at rest, and reviewing team applications to keep out lobbies running efficiently, currently mrbelic and nolingo have been doing a fabulous job with these duties, but I’m also willing to dedicate myself and share the workload with them. I’ve had great affection and regard for the PGAM community since PCEO, I am a laidback person and love to answer questions and inquires to my fellow members, I am also a good problem solver and can go through while I’m under a lot of pressure, I believe my skills can well translate into helping things move more smoothly around here, but as you all know, no-one is perfect, but I will still try to the best of my abilities to fulfill my duties. When I first joined PCEO my main objective was just to grind, but as time passed I started realizing that GTA was not the thing that held the utmost significance, it was the unity of our PGAM family, We have a great crew filled with lots of benevolent, compassionate, admiring people I’ve ever met, and I anticipate to contribute the most I can to the PGAM family giving back to this glorious community which has come a long way about.I’ll just leave this to you guys good judgement, Thank you all for your consideration. Dash6666As a long time member of pceo and pgam I thought it was time to give back more to the community we have built. Having previously served as a community rep for pceo and currently as a justice rep has given me good knowledge of the rules and what members expect from the leadership team. I’ve always been about putting members first and maintaining a friendly fun atmosphere. While my in game time may vary my dedication to the crew and community will always be there.
Archie 7373 has now been confirmed as the latest member of the PGAM Executive Council following a member vote in the #parliament_chamber. Members had 5 candidates to select from; with Archie achieving a vote share of 41% (beating his closest rival AverageTrey on 28%). When Appealing to the #PGAM_Parliament for his nomination, Archie had this to say: I'll be honest... I never play games online... like ever.. but my son begged me to play GTA online so that he would be "Allowed to" and now I'm hooked on GTAO. You will likely all know me as a Lobby host (and that will continue) but to give you some idea of my commitment to PGAM I have: As the polls closed, it was up the sitting Executives Nolingo305 and Mr Belic to confirm the nomination: The final results of the vote can be found below: A full list of the other candidates and their election campaigns can be found here: https://www.peacefulgamers.com/news_feed/pgam-executive-campaigns
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